Pre-School / Pre-Primary
Parents (guardians) looking to choose a pre-school (pre-primary) educational institution in the city of Vilnius can find an interactive map of educational institutions here (the page offers the option to select the desired language).
Parents (guardians) submit applications to pre-school (pre-primary) educational institutions through the information system at
Please refer to the following information when submitting applications:
- You can find the breakdown of pre-school (pre-primary) educational institutions by territory here.
- You can find the statistics of available places in pre-school (pre-primary) educational institutions here.
Up to 5 pre-school (pre-primary) educational institutions can be selected in the application.
Parents (guardians) who do not have identity documents issued in the Republic of Lithuania are requested to submit the following documents for admission to pre-school (pre-primary) educational institutions:
– A free-form signed application (available here).
– Copies of parents’ (guardians’) passports.
– A copy of the child’s passport.
– A copy of the child’s birth certificate.
– Copies of the registration cards issued by the Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania.
IMPORTANT! The application must be completed using Latin letters.
The documents should be submitted to the Pre-School Education Department of Vilnius City Municipality Administration in one of the following ways:
- By email to
- By mail to the following address: Konstitucijos pr. 3, LT-09601 Vilnius.
- In person at the Customer Service Department, located at Konstitucijos pr. 3, Vilnius, 1st floor.
IMPORTANT! Parents (guardians) who have received a residence permit in Lithuania (if they did not have one before submitting the application) must notify the pre-school (pre-primary) educational institution and the Pre-School Education Department of Vilnius City Municipality Administration by submitting the following documents:
- a free-form signed application (available here);
- copies of personal documents issued by the Republic of Lithuania.
The documents should be submitted to the Pre-School Education Department of Vilnius City Municipality Administration in one of the following ways:
- By email to
- In person at Customer Service Department, located at Konstitucijos pr. 3, Vilnius, 1st floor.
The data will be updated by the specialists of the Pre-School Education Department, and parents (guardians) will be able to view all information related to the educational institutions their child attends in the system at
Parents (guardians) will be notified about the registration and admission of their child to the pre-school (pre-primary) educational institution by email. They will then have 10 calendar days to contact the administration of the designated institution to sign the contract.
Contacts for inquiries:
If you have any questions about admission to a pre-school (pre-primary) educational institution, you can reach out:
- By phone at +370 612 52 288 (in Russian).
- By phone at +370 682 96 238 (in English).
- By email at
For inquiries regarding payment for kindergartens and related issues, you can contact:
- By email at